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wanted: free FTP with anonymous accounts

ghost's Avatar
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hello, I am in the need of a free FTP (shared or otherwise, doesnt really matter) server with anonymous accounts. What I am trying to do is make a kind of FTP client (but more restrictive) which holds some multimedia files (mostly music and texture graphics, but also 3d and 2d models) and code files (mostly .dbc and .dbp, but there may be .cpp and/or .vb files). The user could download any file, but would only be able to upload in the /upload folder. The user would not be able to copy, paste, rename, delete, or move anything. He cannot download anything in the upload folder.

The download folder is one place up in the file system eg: /public_ftp/Gsupport/public_files/download

The upload folder would be one down from the download folder eg: /public_ftp/gsupport/upload

there would have to be an admin account as well… Is this possible? could anybody host something like this? I allready have a free web host, but i wouldnt want to suck up the bandwidth.If you have any more questions needing answered, please ask :)

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bump? Is there any more info you need people?