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Kids imitating the curbstomp.

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Wait, you mean the sound as his head hits those PVC pipes?

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you sure thats a pvc pipe =\ Either way it looked like it fucken hurt

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wait this was during a fight? for fun? just coz?

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LOL i wanted to find out the same thing. Quite frankly I wouldnt really wanna volunteer myself for a free coma if this was for fun…

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It was pvc pipe but damn that had to hurt. He hit Fast to. Really stupid if you ask me. Kid probly has brain damage now.

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No, It was a fluorescent light tube, just found out. you can see the edges. The thing shatters like glass. But still, fuck that had to bee painful

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Erm, it hurt like fucking hell, but probably no perminate dammage hopefully, I dont thik the GOd damn retard could live with anyless brain :D.

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It was a light bulb! Damn he is stupid! The shards would have to be removed by a doctor.

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What an idiot! If he did that just to get on the internet, which he probably didn't :p he is a fucking idiot! Damn that must have hurt!

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Thats fucked up man. I mean me and my bro do that but not all the stuff towards the end with the chair and the ladder and stuff. Thats just not cool.

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he got paid i think like 200.00 usd or 50.00 usd cant remember

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fucking idiots

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What… the… hell…

Kids are becoming bigger and bigger fucktards these days…

is only 16… but I still know better than to do shit like that.

bunch of dumbasses these days…

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I would do it for a grand but I would do it my way. (set it up so that it was on the back of my head instead. and on a matress or something soft.) lol.

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This really makes me think… These kids have something MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER TO DO… e.g. SMOKE MARIJUANA. Instead of breaking your face open, pack a nice bowl :)B)B)

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Thats kinda cool to watch but its stupid…… I know i wouldn't do it anyway they did do it just to get on the net, because if you read the infomation on the big boys site, (sounds kinda gay but…) then you'll see they begged for it to stay up. :)