Programs To Get
JTR, C&A, Anti-Virus, Firefox, The Gimp, some p2p prog (bittorrent, limewire), OpenOffice or Microsoft Office, Spyware doctor, intellitamper, ALZip, some IRC or Instant messanger service accoriding to your taste, PuTTY, GSView or Adobe Acrobat pro/reader.
That is all I can think of off the top of my head. EDIT: iTunes, Quicktime (comes w/ itunes)
Damn you fellas are fast!!! Also i am about to change from Wireless network around the house to a cabled LAN because the wireless is pissing us all off so could any of ya's give me a few tips that may be overlooked when setting one up? I know how to set one up just wondering about overlooked stuff
Edit:Any one know what these programs are and should i get em? someone added me to MSN and told me to get em but i dont trust the person List as follows: Coldlife 4.0 DeCSS 1.2b FPort 1.33 NMap Win 1.2.12 John the Ripper 1.6 PCHelps Network Tracer TCPIP Protector Pro 7.18 IntelliTamper Deleted File Analysis Utility Global Killer 1.0 Artic 0.6b Beast 2.00 Kikbak 0.9 Beast 1.91 WinSpy 7.2.3 B-S Spy 1.90 NetSlayer ComLoad
I havent heard of most of these so can someone elaborate???
NMap Win 1.2.12 - nmap, ,get it John the Ripper 1.6 - JTP, that too IntelliTamper - nice website analzyer. a nice use is you can see things that are hidden sometimes, and example, picture in members only areas on certain sites, but you can also get a good layout for the site
the others, no clue. sorry mate