Rofl My M0m Wanted Me To Hack A....
Rofl it was so funny.I was talking to my m0m for a secound about hacking and she said "do you know how to hack someones pc?" I was like [im not going to be a poser] "im not that good yet" so she said damm i wanted you to fuck up this gurls pc.I hate her hehehehe lol tht was funny I had to post this
Notice how all of the instances mentioned above involve illegal hacking (A.K.A. cracking). Perfect examples of how the media has warped the word.
I've been asked by my parents to reverse engineer a few things, such as a video (non-commercial) that was well-protected by a web site and a trial version of a program that my mom needed for work (the full version, of course).
it is pretty ridiculous. My parents have gotten used to the fact that i am a hacker, but my younger brother always gets flack about it. i end up fighting for him most of the time telling my parents that "if he's doing this while he's 13, by the time he's 16 he'll be one of the top computer kids in school." but do they listen, no. All they think of when we say hacker is swordfish, hackers, or wargames. Despite the fact that all those movies portray hackers in a POSITIVE light. They fought the system to better it….but of course, we're supposed to conform, not fight back….right? 2 + 2 = 5