Well....I would like your ideas.
Hello everyone…
I coded a websie (For iMPLOSION Team….but I dont think webwars gonna happen so thats why I'm talking bout it in here) and I would like to know what I should add…..heres a list of what i've done so far :
- = For Registered . = For everyone or not registered only
*Admin Panel (Admins only) *Theme support (Multi-Theme site :happy: ) *PM system *Profile thing *Shoutbox *News System *Freezing system (Super-Admin can freeze the website)
.Forums .Registration Page
I would like to know if you are thinking of something I could add….
For the curious –> Don't go there with IE….It's fucked up…I must redo the template so the site is valid xHTML. (I know, a lot of SQL queries….I'm currently learning joints with MySQL….so, should be fixed sometime)
Note to admins : Please don't lock this thread because there is an URL, I'm just trying to get some ideas…
It's nice, I like the logo. I tried registering with the email Amos270@MSN.com and it says invalid email..