Parents and trying to keep my off MY stuff...
lmao, this should be quite interesting. My dad still thinks that i deleted somethign in C:\ or got a virus from my regular "doings" on the PC. Granted the virus one is most probable, seeing as how i was DLing stuff i wouldnt normally DL, something to do with a Port Magic program…ne ways, tahts not the point. He SAYS that hes going to make himself hte only administrator on the computer… :D. And other than that, hes goiung to block IE from internet access. He's most liekyl going to use Mcaffee to do so, and make me use AOL, FUCK THAT. BUT!! i use FireFox, so just watch me get around his shit!!. if hes smart enough to block the administrator and HIS account with passwords, i can get around that with the SAM file and a linux CD, cant i? So that would theoretically be no problem. All of my work and files and programs are backed up on about 7 CD-s. So DL blockers shouldnt be a problem. The only annoying fucking thing is the firewall, which tracks all programs being given internet access. I can change what it shows, and remove my things from the list, but its a pain in the fucking ass. THe only thing that i am afraid of is that mcafee can be password coded, he has this internet access thing that is worrying me. Its a part of macafee where u have to log in to get onto the interent. Im afraid that i'll need his accoutn to do so, and i dont kno of any way to get TAHT password. So, does anyone have any ideas? what do u think of whats goin on here…
I think you mean McAfee privacy service. It makes you log in to access the internet. My mum has installed it on my PC but I keylogged her typing in the admin pass so its not a problem for me. There are different user levels which are allowed to view certain types of content on the internet.
One way around it may be to keylog the admin pass but google probably has more solutions.
well frankly, i have this issue with people that get viruses.
its simple. if your stupid enough to get a virus in the first place, then frankly… you deserve the consequences that come with it..
if your dad does that, perhaps the best way to get past it is actually sit down and maturly talk with your dad. did you even think of this solution? its by far the quickest, most effiecnt and respect gaining way to get your internet back.
I have, its like talking to a brick wall. And the thing is, as i was DLing the stuff that most liekyl caused teh problem, if it WAS indeed a virus, i was thinking, ya kno, im going to regret doing this…and go figure.
Yes i kinda figured i'd get the " or…shudda known :D.
Back to my first point, he thinks Video games (online) will give you viruses. 0_0. They dont, its the users, and he is paranoid about it too. He doesnt trust adaware or firefox, now come on.