How comes it feels easy?
When i first came onto this site, i obviously was very poor at hacking (not that i'm a good one now) and i did a few challenges with struggle. I found threads about stuff far to advanced for me. A higher level of hacking intelligence. Onced i reached that, everything before becomes so clear and easy that you find out how much of a noob you once were. The challenges become more advanced as you progress but it made me wonder, something that jake, system_meltdown, bouncer and few others probably know the answer to. Where do we go from progressing past all the challenges..? Is there a higher level still? Does it all become clear?
lol, GAY! Most people find thier place, some people start webistes. Some start coding, some start helping others. Some decide to move into other areas of compueters (Hardware). Some just let it be and carry on hacking. I always had hacking as a second priority so I'm not doing much although I havent finished HBH challenges.
lol, GAY! Most people find thier place, some people start webistes. Some start coding, some start helping others. Some decide to move into other areas of compueters (Hardware). Some just let it be and carry on hacking. I always had hacking as a second priority so I'm not doing much although I havent finished HBH challenges.
yes i would say theres a higher level than just what is on this site + challenges.
i'd say theres a higher level where you have a great understanding on how things are structured… hmm kinda hard to explain.. like you know how things work and can create exploits based on your own knowledge and not anyone elses. its a whole new way of thinking.
im glad this site had taught you alot :)
Anarcho-Hippie wrote: learn why it's easy. learn HOW you make it harder. Make an unexploitable site.
There is no such thing as a unexploitable site… there will always be flaws, Maybe it will be unexploitable for a while but as we humans develope our systems develope thus causing more exploits to come to light.
Anarcho-Hippie wrote: Make an unexploitable site. Read my signature ;)
In my opinion, this site is just to get people started on whatever form of computer-based hacking they wish to persue. Personally, I specialize in Web hacking and memory editing (game hacking). You can go alot farther than this site if you wish to learn some real hacking. Buy some books, read alot. My plan is to succeed in becoming an exceptional Web hacker, so that I may secure Web sites as a profession in the future. Have a goal and go for it!