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Bad day?
Today, in order of apperance:
- In the morning walking alone feel somehting sharpe in my hand have slashe dmy index finger… bleeds like a bitch
- Dodgey fat bloke ranodmly starts talking to me.
- Lose 5 times in a row at RTW ( no it's not normal)
- spring cuts into and takes chunk out of my lip OWCH
- walk into door and bite lip
- pocket of blood collects in the place where it was biten on lip
- pocket of blood bursts all over my essay which i cant print out agian becaus eI have no ink.
- while typing tihs up I kicked my bed and broke my big toenail in half, I had to rip it off… painfull
Bad day? What abou tthe future?
Possible outcomes:
- it was some rusty Iron and I get tetnus
- he was a peado and now he'll follow me about
- My RTW skills are gone ( only guy I know who got suicide mission in the campaing so big prob)
- I get tetnus form this lol AGAIN
- Cant re-print essay and causes another bad day.
wolf: it sucks that you're having such a bad day, what i'd do is try not to get hurt, and if you do, just laugh it off…personally, i can't help but laugh when i get hurt. But yeah, i realize that not everyone's as messed up as i am, so yeah just try to take it, because you know it won't last for that much longer. and also, if u keep getting cut with rusty metal, id suggest getting your tetnus shots…it's very helpful, especially in incidents where you get your hand stuck in a rusty stapler…(and yes, that one i knwo from experience:)) but yeah, get better soon!