Irish Members
this looks like a really cool site. Have not had a chance to look at all of it, but I like what i see so far.
as regard to 2600dublin, they tend to be more into phreaking, rather then hacking. I went to a few meetings and while it was a good laugh, it wasnt what I was looking for.
I set up a small group with a few friends, but its kind of fallen through now that one member got married and the other got extradited.
I have added a link to your site on my main page. Some day soon I will get some time and set the site up properly with an affiliates page.
if you want to see it its on
I like the child porn idea. It is about the only subject that most people agree on. And while taking out child porn sites through hacking may not be the most legal way of doing it, if it makes it more difficult for Paedophiles to get the information then its a start.
My beliefs are that children are not by their nature "sexy" to look at. Its only when people see them in sexual settings that they start to think about them in that way. If people cant see the pictures, maybe they won't get hooked.
Also its a supply and demand scenario. If there is no demand(because the sites have been taken out), there will be no need to for supply.
If we are going to do this, can I suggest we exit to a secure irc channel to discuss it more?