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how to get privelege escelation

ghost's Avatar
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I am at school and I wondering how to gain more priveleges to install Direct X onto the one of the computers… so is there any way i can gain more priveleges on this network???

SySTeM's Avatar
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Could you be a bit more specific, like what OS etc

Also, what's with the lack of manors these days, people are more inclined to help you if you say PLEASE!

ghost's Avatar
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Too right!

ghost's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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well i figure hte OS is windows, seeing as directX only runs on windows and its a school network and no schools use macs or linux.

to install programs you'll need to be a administator so read a few articles (i.e my article) on network hacking and learn how to become a admin.

ghost's Avatar
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I'm not saying your wrong cheese but my school does have 4 macs but not on the main system

ghost's Avatar
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but how do u gain admin rights from a limited account?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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by making a admin account, via cmd, or you can be sneaky and hyjack their RAT which is what i did.

read the articles dude. theres enough info on this site to teach you how.