Crappy Computer Class - the story
I just want to say my computer class sucked! Not as in i don't like it ,but as in we learn nothing right before i got into Computers and hacking, at the beginning of my ninth grade year, i was put into a web design class. I thought to myself oh this will be cool i will learn how to design web pages. After the first week I said, what am i doing here. i could learn how to do this in a day. All we did this whole year was crappy "computer designs itself"' microsoft publisher junk. So, when i really started to get into computers and hacking i went to w3schools and learned more on that site in 1 week thanin my whole year in web design.
my teacher is also clueless We have this thing called deepfreeze (you probably know it) and to unthaw it so you can save stuff on to our computer permantly you have to have a password and know how to open the passsword box. well, one day i was just browsing through my media specialist files ( yes he had them out for all to see and edit if they knew what network places was ) and i was looking through. wanted to have some fun so me and my friends would write penis all over his word documents. Lol. it wsa fun at the time. Well anyway, i found a deepfreeze word file that told new teachers how to access the password box and told them the password. it was that easy. i had the password so i could just unthaw it and download anything i wanted to and change anything i wanted to.
So, being the curious guy i was, i wanted to get around the websense thing also. So i learned about proxies and all that and i started using them at school. I was on blocked webpages and my friends wanted to know how i got past it , so i told one person and then he told another person and soon the whole school new how to get past it and the teacher banned them and said anyone caught using them would get suspended ect. So i needed another way so i went to proxy sites and games i wanted to play like mmorpgs online didn't allow proxy's So, i needed another way so i found It is a website that allows you to control your computer from another computer i used it and it was great. I now no longer had no more restrictions on my school computers So it was nearing the end of the year and i urged for more things to do in that class since i realized all that could be done. So i used and deepfreeze and went around sneakily and insatlled the software and all that computers. Now i had remote access to all the computers in my class from my comp. What a fun time i had. messing with people and they would freak out and my teacher would think they were crazy. fun. untill my teacher found out that it was me and he thought i messed with his sycronize ( some gay program that lets the teacher control and moniter all the computers in the class) so he got real mad and i told him what i did and he let me off the hook. He thought that i just intalled it on one computer and he thought it would go away when he turned off the computer because of deepfreeze but i already disabled it when i installed the software and enabled it back so the software is permantly on there unless you unthaw deepfeeze again and unistall it. So now the end of the year has come and i still have access to all the computers at school from my house. When summer school comes around for some kids i will be at my computer messing with them. And that is the story of my web design class
omg! Your school sounds exactly like mine…i meen exactly like mine, its crazzy. only me and some friends do more stuff then just controle them :D that was one of the last things. we did all kind of things…im kindof sad that schools almost out for the summer. hopefully we wont have to start fresh next year.