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Mozilla IM Client plug-in

ghost's Avatar
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Think about it. It could go with Firefox, or be completely independent of Firefox. It could have all these sweet plug-ins. You could use it with AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Skype, and any other thing like it. Just as gmail does but viewable to all pages.


AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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sort of like GAIM or Trillian but in a FireFox browser…interesting idea

ghost's Avatar
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How to code it though? I don't know the firefox as well as I should haha.

ghost's Avatar
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AldarHawk wrote: sort of like GAIM or Trillian but in a FireFox browser…interesting idea That is exactly it. I wonder who would use it? I know in terminals where they have computers to pay to be on the net will be one place.. libraries..

TAoS wrote: How to code it though? I don't know the firefox as well as I should haha.

I guess if enough people are interesed in it.. some of us can download the SDK and get to work.

Any other ideas, comments?

ghost's Avatar
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That's alot of coding. lol.. good idea.. let's see what we can come up w/!! any more ideas?? Yeah- but FF has plug-ins anyways.. so it can work.

ghost's Avatar
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Id be interested in joining a developement team to implement the idea.

ghost's Avatar
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willeH wrote: Id be interested in joining a developement team to implement the idea.

Yeah- that will be cool. Add me on MSN. sweft84@gmail.com

What program languages do you know? This will be a cool project. This is what I found:

Build your Firefox extension with Ant

You need to download 4 things:

* Ant, from http://ant.apache.org/.
* Gecko SDK, from
  or whichever is the latest version. Expand it to a directory, say C:\Tools\gecko-sdk.
* Netscape build tools, from
  Expand it to a directory, say C:\Tools\buildtools.
* Ant-contrib tasks (of which we want the "foreach" task), from
  You only need to extract the .jar file from the download and put it in the lib subdirectory of your Ant installation.

Structure your Firefox extension's source directory as follows:

* your-extension-dir/
      o build.xml
      o do.bat
      o src/
            + install.rdf
            + chrome/
                  # content/
                        * contents.rdf
                        * *.xul, *.js,
                  # locale/
                        * en-US/
                        * ...
                  # skin/
                        * classic/
                        * ...
            + components/
                  # *.idl
                  # *.js
            + defaults/
      o build/ (containing intermediate generated files)
      o dist/ (containing the final distribution XPI file)

The build.xml file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project name="your-project-name" default="createDistributionXPI"> <!– Tool directories : *** Make sure you fix these to match your own environment *** –> <property name="gecko_sdk_path" location="C:\Tools\gecko-sdk" /> <property name="buildtools_path" location="C:\Tools\buildtools" />

<!– Derived tool directories –> <property name="xpidl_exe" location="${gecko_sdk_path}/bin/xpidl.exe" /> <property name="IDLs_path" location="${gecko_sdk_path}/idl" /> <property name="libIDL_path" location="${buildtools_path}/windows/bin/x86" />

<!– Project directories –> <property name="src_dir" location="./src" /> <property name="build_dir" location="./build" /> <property name="dist_dir" location="./dist" /> <property name="components_dir" location="${src_dir}/components" />

<!– Custom tasks –> <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"/>

<!– Targets –> <target name="createChromeJAR"> <zip destfile="${build_dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar" update="true" basedir="${src_dir}/chrome" includes="content/, locale/, skin/**" /> </target>

<target name="createComponentInterfaceXPTs"> <foreach target="compileIDL" param="idl_file"> <path> <fileset dir="${src_dir}/components" includes="*.idl" /> </path> </foreach> </target>

<target name="compileIDL"> <exec executable="${xpidl_exe}" dir="${build_dir}"> <env key="Path" path="${env.Path};${libIDL_path}" /> <arg line="-m typelib -w -v -I ${IDLs_path} -I ${components_dir} ${idl_file}" /> </exec> </target>

<target name="createDistributionXPI" depends="createChromeJAR, createComponentInterfaceXPTs"> <zip destfile="./dist/${ant.project.name}.xpi" update="true"> <zipfileset dir="${build_dir}" includes="${ant.project.name}.jar" prefix="chrome" /> <zipfileset dir="${src_dir}/components" includes=".js" prefix="components" /> <zipfileset dir="${build_dir}" includes=".xpt" prefix="components" /> <zipfileset dir="${src_dir}/defaults" includes="**" prefix="defaults" /> <zipfileset dir="${src_dir}" includes="install.rdf" /> </zip> <copy file="${dist_dir}/${ant.project.name}.xpi" tofile="${dist_dir}/${ant.project.name}.xpi.zip" /> </target> </project>

You need to change the 3 strings in blue toward the beginning of the file to match your project's name and your tool installations. Note that the dist/ directory will contain both an XPI file and a ZIP file. The ZIP file is just a copy of the XPI file with a .ZIP extension so that you can use WinZip to open it up and inspect its content.

Finally, you should create a batch file in your project's directory that looks something like this:

call c:\Tools\apache-ant-1.6.2\bin\ant "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

One more note: it's probably convenient to put a link to your project's XPI file on Firefox's toolbar because you will need to reinstall the extension many times:

* Navigate Firefox to the dist/ directory containing the XPI (not to the XPI itself)
* Drag the link to the XPI file to the toolbar

Oh, if you delete a file in your src directory, it might still be stuck on one of the generated zip files. Make sure to delete all files in the build and dist directory for a clean build.

Source: http://mozilla-firefox-extension-dev.blogspot.com/