Kicked from Irc Channel
Hey sup guys.
I got kicked from IRC Channel its #bootleggers
Anyway, I got kicked because the person who runs that chat got told by his friend to kick me because he was trying to get at me in someway, well its confusing but I play and its an internet based gangsta game, now its exploit crazy lol, I aint asking to make exploit or noting, just asking do you guys know any possible way of getting in the chat, I tried ip proxy still not working, but is there a way?
thk you very much in advanced, still learning thats why I joined so I can read what you experts post.
system_meltdown wrote: What a shame, you shouldn't of bothered playing gay mafia games to start with.
/me impersonates mafia game player: Oooh this game is great I stole some fake money by clicking some buttons, I have no friends in the real world so I play queer little games to make friends!!!
That was probably the most-off topic post ever… Anyway, your little (gay? nice one there ;)) problem: Note that normally a ban will expire after some period of time, so you might try the address again after some suitable period of time.
(yes that's quoted)
ps. you probably deserved it anyway…
It's banned. Not kicked, you were kicked, then banned. Usually bans are temporary, length usually depends on severity of the reason you were banned. Anyway, search google for proxies. I'll explain the way to do this from mIRC:
- Copy the IP from the proxy page
- Go to the options menu, where you set your nickname and all, and look for Proxy. Go to that.
- Paste the IP address in the IP spot on the page.
- Copy the port (usually :somenumber after the IP.)
- Paste the port into the port spot.
- Now, go to the dropdown menu, and select the necessary choice. The two choices are Socks4 and Socks5. It should be mentioned on the page, what your proxy is.
Heh. WOW.
I expect the only reason this guy signed up for HBH is probably because he wants to find exploits on BL and try to be better than everyone else…
eh, whatever. i'll help you even though I don't really want to.
download tor. (
google how to use proxys with mIRC, I could look myself but im far too lazy.
proxys + irc are fun…you guys probably don't know her, but myst on #bootleggers used to kickban me everytime I came in…I just kept evading the bans :p