hbh attack
DarkMantis wrote: wtf you talking about, 1 atm were allied with HBH 2 our hacks were so much better than that!
1.) i don't care who you are allied with. Only HBH should be worried that you're allied with them, because many a people hate your group and now HBH is going to be in the loop with your group.
2.) All you use are distributed scripts, so i don't care how much better yours were, considering the skill used was google.
DarkMantis wrote: I never said we werent … Im saying we arent
Question: Why do people have to fight about scripts? And why is this thread really relevant?
I make my own scripts, I also use a few premade, I admit im not elite. I dont see anyone fighting with me over it. Why do we need to fight about it?
I wasn't saying that. I'm saying that A99 had, when they were beginning, stated to everyone that they were not skiddies. Now, you are being accused with the same allegation, and what you state now is the same as when you had started. So, why, am i/are we to believe that A99 are not skiddies anymore, seeing as A99's "word" doesn't have any impact to it.
yeah i agreeed with a couple of the A99 members.
we are now neutral. there will be no targetting of hbh etc, no one will attack anyone and we will be peaceful towards eah other.
except.. shc reserves teh right to occasionalyl attack dark_mantis. because of your foul language and immature attitude. but these attacks arent considered agasint A99, they are considered of a personal nature.
DarkMantis wrote: Because premade shit shows no skills at all…thats why we get flammed for something we dont do…we dont use premade shit, we make our own stuff and nightshadow cant get it in his little brain
still doesnt answer my question, I asked why do we need to fight about it? People are going to argue.
theres a saying that my gaming clan has: "fighting over the internet is like running in the special olympics, Even if you win, you are still retarded"
No offence to the metally handicapped that run in the spec. olympics yearly.
[quote]bl4ckc4t wrote: No offence to the metally handicapped that run in the spec. olympics yearly.
Hey! We prefer the term "challenged."
Anyway, I personally that this whole argument that has started in thi thread is pointless, and by continuing it, you are only giving life to a half-bred monster.]