What happens when we try to destroy hbh?
well, i shall show you.
Locus7s Member have been hacked, due to them disclosing hte HBH source and DB. so take note: not best idea to try and destroy the site:
Here is as much personal info as i can collect on ezekiel.. enjoy: http://www.hackersreign.com/ezekiel.zip
it includes, pictures, comments, friends contact details, full name, area he lives in, school he goes to, friends phone numbers, email addresses address, telephone number!! and much much more.
btw his latest IP is:
There are still mote locus7s members who will have this happen to them. So if they continue to release hbh's details, then we will target you one by one and release your personal details along with friends phone numbers etc, so you wont be the only one being harrassed.
Not to mention, myspace = social life. so, as a result, friendships can be affected, messages can be sent, relationships can be broken. is it worth it? for your 3 seconds of fame?
maybe we should have a compeition. the best most hilarioous phone call recorded, gets a few points or something..
something like
"hello, is Dough hanson there please" …. … "hello doug, im not quite sure how to say this, but its a serious matter and must be addressed. im calling inregards to your son, who has recently been discoverd sodimizing my son."
etc etc :-D
Would've made my day too, had I not seen a teenage kid beat up a little kid and his dad, steal their kite, and prance around the field flying the kite. lmfao.
edit- The phone calls would be absolutely great anyway. Maybe his parents would get pissed off if all 7125 members of HBH tried to call them all in the same day, but it'd be funny.
loserpirate wrote: WOW! That fag bouncer doesnt even know how to say idaho, what a noob!
and why dont you fuck yourself????? hes not from the states, so you better in hell watch what you say…….
-btw- love the packet, and Bouncer nice call ;) hehe….one tip,…..dont read or watch that shit in class….haha