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Hangover tips

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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at the moment. hungover is a understatement. Sadly this happens quite alot, espically on weekends… stupid alchole.

usally i just eat some popadoms and have some homemade lemonade. but recently that trick has stopped working :|

so what are your hangover tips? or what do you find the best way to avoid hangovers?

(and no "hangover cure = dont drink" comments please)

ghost's Avatar
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Well i dont drink that much, but when i do….heres my tips -Take a couple of advil before you drink, yes i know meds+ alcohol=no good, but it wrks -When and if you go to bed, dont try to wake up early, sleep the whole day -Take more advil when you wake -When drinking, drink water, yea i know whos going to be thinking about water when you have the bottle of Vodka, but it does help

well those are a couple of tips, if i think of more lata ill post them

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Mr_Cheese wrote: at the moment. hungover is a understatement. Sadly this happens quite alot, espically on weekends… stupid alchole.

Somehow I don't think the alcohol is to blame here….. (not a 'don't drink' comment!)

Yes, water. If you drink exactly the same amount of water as you do alcohol (a good rule to follow is after every drink of alcohol, have a glass of water.) You will not get a hangover. Hangovers are caused by the alcohol you consume absorbing the water from your body.

now for the science: When alcohol is consumed, it enters the bloodstream and causes the pituitary gland in the brain to block the creation of vasopressin. Without this chemical, the kidneys send water directly to the bladder instead of reabsorbing it into the body. This is why drinkers have to make frequent trips to the bathroom after urinating for the first time after drinking.

According to studies, drinking about 250 milliliters of an alcoholic beverage causes the body to expel 800 to 1,000 milliliters of water; that's four times as much liquid lost as gained. This diuretic effect decreases as the alcohol in the bloodstream decreases, but the aftereffects help create a hangover.

So yeah, drink, just don't drink so much you stupid idiot. YOU'RE KILLING YOUR LIVER!

(science from http://health.howstuffworks.com/hangover2.htm)

ghost's Avatar
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Milk Thistle. Thats all i need to say. Saved my life.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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Milk Thistle? whats that?

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wths milk thistle?, i just put up with hangovers and just sleep and drink water and fruit juice the whole day.

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I rarely get hang overs but when I do it always seems to help if I eat. It just does. And I drink plenty of water too.

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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I may pass off as a strange person by saying this but I find Acetamidophen with Codine and lots of coffee works wonders on my hangovers (which are far-between)

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Drink a very sugary drink before you go to bed/sleep on the floor/pass out (e.g. a couple bottles of coke).

This puts a load of water in your blood stream, allowing easier osmosis of water to your blood, making you much less dehydrated.

After all, a hangover is nothing more than overhyped dehydration.

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Since I am not an expert in hangovers, or drinking in general (age = 15) I will try to add my 2 cents by giving you guys this link ;) The first two "rules" are BS but maybe it will be worth something ;). URL: http://www.webtender.com/handbook/antihangover.html

SySTeM's Avatar
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I hardly ever get hang overs, but when I do, I drink coke and have a nice big lunch lol

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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coke i'd agree with, or homemade lemonade!! but dunno about the lunch, usally i find it hard to eat anything without feeling even more horrible.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Homemade lemonade heh, gotta try that when I next get a hangover, I don't find it hard to eat, I find it easier.

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eating does help me too, but i cant eat alot, it has to be really light, like cereal or something like that

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well when i get one i also find it nearly impossible to eat. sleep seems like the best remedy for a hangover but has been proven that its not.

quick way to avoid: -eat something sweet but nutrious before and/or after drinking ie: apple, pear, strawberries

slow solution: -quick hot shower followed by a cold shower and once again a hot shower (just change the temp of the water at times which gets the blood pumping)