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Ausome1's Avatar
20 3

This is Ausome1 from EnigmaGroup. I am writing to let everyone who used to know psychomarine, who owned EnigmaGroup.org that he has passed away.

Futility's Avatar
80 122

You all might not remember me, but I certainly remember EG and how it helped get me to where I am today. I’m truly sorry to hear of his passing, and my condolences to everyone involved. Hoping for a better time moving forward.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 19

That’s horrible news to hear ! Condolences to Chris’s family and friends, you shall be missed.

Ausome1's Avatar
20 3

Yeah, he was in late 40s and died of heart attack in his wife’s arms. She called me the morning it happened. I would have let everyone know earlier but I had to beat the basic missions to post again. ;) I’ve let a few others know through social media that I had connections with.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 19

That’s horrible, I hope she’s doing as well as can be expected.

You should have PM’ed or jumped into discord we would have allowed the post as many people here will remember Chris and the time he spent here back in the day.

Truly a big loss for everyone, RIP Chris

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,110 12

Wow I’m really sorry to hear that man, my heart goes out to his wife as it’s hard enough when you lose someone close to you, but to have them die in your arms must be truly fucking devastating. We didn’t agree on most things, but he always made me laugh. RIP big man.

synstealth's Avatar
2,490 1

oh wow! I will never forget our moments with him, good or bad. I enjoyed enigmagroup. Life can be a bitch and we have to make the best of it!! RIP Chris!

synstealth's Avatar
2,490 1

what will happen to EnigmaGroup.org and it’s source codes? I always thought their challenges was very good and fun

Ce1tic13h0y's Avatar
2,340 29

looks like the domain is up for grabs.

Ausome1's Avatar
20 3

I’m working on getting the domain transferred to me. I reached out to his son to get me his login. As for the source code, that is probably gone. I do have some very old backups on a hard drive somewhere.

Ce1tic13h0y's Avatar
2,340 29

that would be great if you get it back up. good luck.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 19

@Ausome1 let me know if you need some help with anything !

Psiber_Syn's Avatar
315 0

@Ausome1 Whats up bro been a long time since we spoke!! This is sad to hear about psycho. I actually just went to check in with eg and found it down so started the sleuthing and ended up here. Had to spend like 7 whole seconds to get past the prereqs to post LOL. Are you still in contact with anyone else from eg? aVoid or anyone? I miss wasting my days in the irc with you guys! Sending vibes to the psycho fam.

RoundLettuce's Avatar
370 2

This is very sad. I remember getting Lifetime VIP for $13.37 - I’ve never known a Wargaming site to offer Lifetime access for $13. My deepest Condolences. This is a horrible thing to happen. I wish I was more active on there so I could have spoken to psychomarine more :( @Ausome1 - I pray that you can get the domain transferred and backed up. I wish I knew how to run a Wargaming website. I don’t even know where to start….. I don’t know anything about Simulations.

You are all amazing guys.

Thank you. Kind Regards, Lettuce.

I’m very sad, after many years, you may see a decade i finally found the enigmagroup but sadly i heard that “psychomarine” is dead, he was among the first guys who make me love hacking and coding, Thank you psychomarine for making us enjoyed hacking and coding you may rest now buddy