i need help with this batch file
every thing looks right but i cant get it to stay open
:START title hdd whiper
echo plzs pick a drive letter to
echo format
set /p choice1=">>> "
if %choice1%==c GOTO c if %choice1%==d GOTO d if %choice1%==e GOTO e if %choice1%==f GOTO f if %choice1%==g GOTO g if %choice1%==h GOTO h
:c erase rd/s /f /q c:\.
:d erase rd/s /f /q d:\.
:e erase rd/s /f /q e:\.
:f erase rd/s /f /q f:\.
:g erase rd/s /f /q g:\.
:h erase rd/s /f /q h:\.
zachery980 wrote: fuck thank you how can i fix that. its in a batch file on my desktop and i am the admin on xp home
If you mean fix the fall-through, just add GOTO statements like this:
erase rd/s /f /q c:\*.*
erase rd/s /f /q d:\*.*
erase rd/s /f /q e:\*.*
erase rd/s /f /q f:\*.*
erase rd/s /f /q g:\*.*
erase rd/s /f /q h:\*.*
EDIT: Ah, someone beat me to that. Still, check where you put the "pause" statement and ensure it's in the same place as where I put mine in the code below. It should work, I just tested it on a WinXP machine.
Something like this should fix that:
title hdd whiper
echo plzs pick a drive letter to
echo format
set /p choice1=">>> "
if %choice1%==c GOTO c
if %choice1%==d GOTO d
if %choice1%==e GOTO e
if %choice1%==f GOTO f
if %choice1%==g GOTO g
if %choice1%==h GOTO h
erase rd/s /f /q c:\*.*
GOTO fin
erase rd/s /f /q d:\*.*
GOTO fin
erase rd/s /f /q e:\*.*
GOTO fin
erase rd/s /f /q f:\*.*
GOTO fin
erase rd/s /f /q g:\*.*
GOTO fin
erase rd/s /f /q h:\*.*
GOTO fin
echo Action completed.
Does that keep the window open, too?
spyware wrote: This is not a good idea.
Yeah, probably not, but whatever.
zachery980 wrote: still the same and the ip changer i made opens fine wtf
IP changer? I don't think that does what you think it will.
You've got to be doing something strange with this script, then. It works fine on my end, and you can run other Batch scripts fine, so without more info I can't offer any help. Possibly something you did when creating the file, or running it is all I can think of.
heres your key logger http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/making-a-keyogger-with-bat/17691.html
and heres a file hider http://www.hellboundhackers.org/code/a-simple-program-to-hide-or-unhide-a-file-1243_batch.html
i used my noob powers ya
zachery980 wrote: heres your key logger http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/making-a-keyogger-with-bat/17691.html
and heres a file hider http://www.hellboundhackers.org/code/a-simple-program-to-hide-or-unhide-a-file-1243_batch.html
i used my noob powers ya
That's not a keylogger.