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What's your language of choice

ghost's Avatar
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What's your language of choice guys? I'd have to say I love PHP first and foremost, but a lot of times it can be very inefficient and impractical for some coding, stepping down from that I'd use C if I could, and C++ if my coding required OOP (no programming REQUIRES OOP, but sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to use it). Although I must admit, the OOP aspect (mainly classes) of C++ isn't nearly as difficult I find as people will go on about. I have never really touched java and know really nothing about it, so that'd be out. But, what do you guys use?

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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Come on man. Do we really need another one of these threads? There's like fifty already.

ghost's Avatar
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ynori7 wrote: Come on man. Do we really need another one of these threads? There's like fifty already.

These threads are very common on boards like this. Didn't you know ;)

spyware's Avatar
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"Halt verdammt noch mal die Schnauze!"

Right? Right?

We don't need another thread like this. Really. We don't.

Futility's Avatar
80 122

"Stop damn it all the lip?" Stupid online translators :P

Anyway, this thread has been done over and over (and over). We don't need another.
