Music playlist
<building up crazy ass rant filled with hate> No more off-topics damnit, either try to learn something and ask for help to open an intellectual discussion or stfu. Seriously, this isnt some fake social site like MySpace, its all about hacking/programming, get your ass in gear. </end of crazy ass rant filled with hate>
Havnt y'all noticed that half the shit on here doesn't even have anything too do with computers? The most active topics are about shit that doesn't involve computer related topics. Its getting ridiculous man (and the whole hate filled thing was a bit of sarcasm). Most consider this site a joke, why the hell would you give em reason to believe it is.
K_I_N_G wrote: Havnt y'all noticed that half the shit on here doesn't even have anything too do with computers? The most active topics are about shit that doesn't involve computer related topics. Its getting ridiculous man (and the whole hate filled thing was a bit of sarcasm). Most consider this site a joke, why the hell would you give em reason to believe it is.
A suggestion perhaps….do not read the fucking off topic posts if you do not enjoy them! Just a thought!
A post about what type of music one listens to while hacking/working with computers really isn't that off topic! And certainly does not hinder the image of this site.
yours31f wrote: dj tietso and other techno like infected mushroom, and some of my own creations and remixes.
I do not remember your music ever being too great, it is kind of boring and dull, need to make it be more, not the same beat not very good over and over….
I listen to rock, metal, techno, and occasionally, rap..
I listen to a lot of industrial and darkwave when at my computer when Im not listening to that then its Britpop/Indie I also like a few random tracks like Origa - inner universe and Inner Party System - Download EP