A career in computer stuff
it's better to be security expert in this days cuz it's hard to be one. u have to know how hackers brakes in and how to keep them out. u can get lot of money with that job.
computer repairing is also very good job. u are also learning something everytime when u repair some computer.
programming… one of the hardest job in the world cuz u need to keep yourself "updated" so u know whats new in programming world. anyways… it's your choice what u want to be and good luck with that ;)
btw… ure country is very near to my. im from Azerbaijan
Yeah i agree with several posts from above how you said "computer stuff" simply shows you have no clue what your talking about.
But to get to your question, Yes there are job to be had, and money to be made in the computer/IT field….But don't expect to get a degree and fall into a $100k a year job. Thats the problem with this generation now. Now one wants to work up the ladder. I went to school, got my first IT job at 18 (Technical support/Help Desk without any professional experience and no degree) for SBC Yahoo!, Then 1 of 3 Computer Operations for a Family Dollar Distribution Center, and now my current job. I am 1 or 2 Network administrators for a company in Floirda. So far so good…I don't make the money I would like Yet, but I don't have much experience or certifications (YET!) But my company is paying for me to get them so thats kewl I also am going to go back to school to get a BA in Cpu Science (since they are gonna foot the bill)
Well there is a taste son…..lemmie know if that helps ya any…..Also 1 more thing…..don't get into this (professionally) unless you really like it….we dont do this to get girls. Ohh pay, I'm a lowly poor network admin only make 30K year.
So now make a choice.