thinking of starting a leftist society in college
Sometimes i'm a bit of an idealist, and my other love other than computers and music is politics.
I'm thinking of starting a leftist political society in my college, mainly to spread knowledge and disperse myths in the general student populace (such as the general idea that anarchists are terrorists)
The main things I wanted to do in this society is to teach the diy ethic, the concept of equality, the basic freedoms, to discourage people from being materialistic and to discuss politics.
But (there's always a but dammit) the reception is quite slow, and I have a hunch the administrative dept is not going to approve my application.
The student population couldn't care much either, since they are more interested in getting drunk / laid, and most aspire to graduate and work for some big company and raking in big bucks.
I've even been hassled by the student administration, saying that they don't like troublemakers.
How the hell did they perceive me as a troublemaker is beyond me, since I don't have any disciplinary issues and I have good grades.
I'm really feeling discouraged right now, do anyone around here have any ideas what can I do to increase awareness in the student body.
Make a strong proposal: Get some friends behind you for 1 then create a very well written paper on your proposed society. This paper should go into depth about the society and it's goals/aims. I personally believe that theoretical communism is the best form of gov't therefore I can support such actions, but to people who don't have an open mind(or have been brainwashed) they percieve you as a threat simply because such a society is out of the norm. Explain thoroughly what your society will stand for, what its ethics will involve and what you stress. I'll remind you that humans percieve change as a threat.
Post up fliers. Talk up your society, and dumb everything down so everyone can understand exactly what you want to do. Have the fliers have something to the effect of "have you ever wanted to expirience a society in which everyone is equal, with no predjudice based on class, gender, or race?"
Whatever you do(should be pretty obvious): Do not automaticly assume anything about anyone Don't get offensive with people. If you want to convert people don't just tell them, show them.
Your biggest enemy will be the lack of understanding and open mindedness of people, attempt to educate them about it's true ideals, and show that past gov'ts have failed at creating a TRUE socialistic society, and that you plan on working for everyones best interest.
Well either way goodluck with your endeavor, and remember being a "revolutionary" is never easy, but it's the hard work that you put in that will determine your future character.
anonymous0x0001 wrote: Make a strong proposal: Get some friends behind you for 1 then create a very well written paper on your proposed society. This paper should go into depth about the society and it's goals/aims. I personally believe that theoretical communism is the best form of gov't therefore I can support such actions, but to people who don't have an open mind(or have been brainwashed) they percieve you as a threat simply because such a society is out of the norm. Explain thoroughly what your society will stand for, what its ethics will involve and what you stress. I'll remind you that humans percieve change as a threat.
Post up fliers. Talk up your society, and dumb everything down so everyone can understand exactly what you want to do. Have the fliers have something to the effect of "have you ever wanted to expirience a society in which everyone is equal, with no predjudice based on class, gender, or race?"
Whatever you do(should be pretty obvious): Do not automaticly assume anything about anyone Don't get offensive with people. If you want to convert people don't just tell them, show them.
Your biggest enemy will be the lack of understanding and open mindedness of people, attempt to educate them about it's true ideals, and show that past gov'ts have failed at creating a TRUE socialistic society, and that you plan on working for everyones best interest.
Well either way goodluck with your endeavor, and remember being a "revolutionary" is never easy, but it's the hard work that you put in that will determine your future character.
sry for that seriously didn't want to start political based flam, but communism best ??????????? WTF why do you think that middle east is so ecomomically unstable and generally in deep shit ( although it's getting better ) Communism, as every theory based politic system is wrong, and bad, and lot of people were and are negatively affected until today. I know it's offtopic and sry for that, but when I saw the post above i just couldn't stop it
"to each their own". Personally I don't want to argue about it. Please note I stated theoretical Communism.(which is not attianable due to human nature)
Secondly the middle east is not communistic. The only communist states I know of are Cuba, and China. The middle east is primarily made up of Islamic theocratic republics and monarchies/dictatorships. Please get your facts straight before attempting to derail someones train.
Communism: 1.) Everyone is equal, no exceptions 2.) Everyone reaps the benifits directly form their labor 3.) There is no ruling class/gov't 4.) it's a utopian society
I was refering to SSSR and it's impact, and i think its needless to argue that it was not positive, secondly you've just described the perfect world communism, which can never be achieved, as nazi regime was planned in the first place(and no I'm not nazi :D ) just look at the actual communistic countries and show me the utopian society you've described, but I guess it's pointless discusion, especially here, I won't persuade you, you won't persuade, so I think we can stop right here
Notice the words "Theoretical Communism" This is very much different than the soo called "communism" that has been implimented in various nations over time. As we can see from the past communism doesn't work because in order for communism to happen the people have to over throw the gov't, and thus a proletariate state is created, from here Theoretical communism says that this gov't should fade out of existence, how ever what really happens is the people in power develop a beurocracy and expand the gov't to meet the gov'ts needs and not the people. The people in power claim they are equal with those not in power, however this is quite the opposite, and the ruling party then decides to maintain control of power under the guise of protecting its citizens.
There's a very good book on such a subject and it's worth checking out, it's called "Animal Farm". The only problems that exist with current communism are as follows:
1.) Gov'ts refuse to give up it's power 2.) Govt's need war to perpetuate the need to prove that a gov't is needed 3.) There is no motivation. Let's say you have a medical tech. who goes to school for a total of 18 years while the garbage man goes for 10, yet they both get paid the same. Where is the motivation to advance the society by means of math/science/socilogy ect? 4.) because of 1 and 2 societal norms are skewed and the society disigrates at it's basic level(th family) causing children to turn their parents in for "crimes against the state." 5.) There is a strong "need" for a beauracracy and thus nothing really ever gets accomplished.
This is why I stated theoretical communism. Please understand there is a difference between a utopian society and one of a distopia caused by basic human nature.
Alright, I've had enough of hijacking this thread. Please excuse my spelling errors. "to each their own." clone4(excuse the mix up) you provide an interesting source of debate(I mean debate, and not arguement).
spyware wrote: Become a terrori- I mean, anarchist.
yeah just like V!
and thanks for your input anonymous0x0001; I've always thought the main reason communist governments turn corrupt is due to human nature, not the ideology.
the society I'm creating will cover all political systems such as anarchy, socialism and democracy (no capitalism and fascism)
and btw, I've read "Animal Farm" you can get it at Project Gutenberg Australia. It's a good book