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My Apologies...Again

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Well, it's that time again that I have to apologize for an entire community on behalf of one mindless prick that thinks he can get away with things like this.

The spamming on your shoutbox, supposedly performed by a "GoogleBot", was actually performed by a member on H2H, who goes by the handle 'revenge_of_h2h294' on H2H. I also understand that he was also going to flood the forum and try other malicious tricks. As a result, he's been banned from our site as well as here.

Again, my apologies for the mindless activity of one individual. The last thing we want is a war between two hacker communities, since the members of both may get caught in the crossfire. Not to mention the painful problems that both sites would have.

I've let all the members on H2H know that if they even attempt a stunt like this against this site, I will send their IP address to the proper authorities. There just might be a knock on their door within the coming weeks…

So again, my apologies. I hope this never happens again.

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Actually it was my friend :) Who (stupidly) was attempting to take down HBH. On dial up.

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lol. DIAL UP!!!!!!! aw that was like soo 2 years ago