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Recommend me books to read....

ghost's Avatar
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Hello guys can you recommend me books to read i am interested into web and server hacking :D

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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hacking for dummies by kevin beaver (wiley) isbn: 0-7645-5784-x

honestly I got like a library of hacking/security books and they teach you verry little, you'd learn more just getting some tools and playing. learn from doing it not by reading about it.

ghost's Avatar
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i agree but i have a book called "Hacking Exposed". It covers lOPHtCracK Security and also gives advice for online. It goes over almost everything you'll ever encounter while hacking. Check it out bro, it's probably like $20 U.S.

Uber0n's Avatar
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Start by setting up Apache and setup some vulnerable CMS:es on your machine in order to learn some basic exploit techniques ;)