US elections 2008
ShapeShifters wrote: hmm if what i heard is true i don't want clinton or obama to win. I've heard that they both want to put an end to NAFTA and that's not a good thing…
Lol. Well in some places I hear NAFTA really helps people, but here it's taking all the jobs and moving them out of the country and not replacing them. In Ohio NAFTA has fucked the jobs here.
I'm moving to japan (early) if Hilary wins, at least 'till she gets assassinated
McCain probably will get it because Americans feel comfortable having an old white man president in the end…
Obama will change our country. I like what he promises for us… although, in the end, the president is just a figurehead anyway. Like England's queen. He's Congress's scapegoat!
But, I think Obama will do some good.
AldarHawk will vote for AldarHawk
AldarHawk will win and make Obama and Clinton cry
AldarHawk will dance around the world and become the ultimate King that Bush could not become
AldarHawk will be shot by someone like system_meltdown or Fritzo and Obama will take over the role of President.
Any questions?