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Jobs in the Computer Industry

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Well, I had a little look around the forums, and noticed that there weren't any threads about jobs in the computing/security industry.

I'm just wondering, do any of you here have a full time job/make a living out of computers/hacking/coding, etc.?

And if so, what's it like, is it what you expected it to be like, do you like doing it? Also, what sort of qualifications did you need for your job, was it a struggle to get your chosen job?

I just want to get a better overall idea of the 'world of work' lol. And maybe this thread will also help other people who are considering jobs in the tech industry.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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I work as a web developer , full time. 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday!! ouch!

and i can tell you this… a web developer is not as simple as knowing a bit of code and HTML lol!! I can honestly say its not what I expected, but I do really really enjoy it.

I love it though, great fun. I get to sit around all day, listening to music, coding some very very cool stuff. at the moment i seem to be working with API's non stop. i get to work with some very popular companies and get various projects to work on.

Back in the days I was a freelancer doing simple website design and PHP coding at home, i got another client who asked me to do only 3 weeks work. After 2 weeks, they were so impressed with the work so far, plus with me having HBH on my CV, they hired me on a yearly salary and I've been working there ever since.

I didnt have any qualifcations, i just had the motivation to work, enthusiam for the job, and I had HBH on my CV which deffinatly helped me get the job. So thanks hbh!

Obvioulsy age will play a major part on your success on getting an IT job, and to put it simply, even if your an uber uber programmer, if your under 18… you wont get a full time job. Stick to freelancing so people do not know your age and thus dont judge you.

If you have the programming skills and espically have the enthusiam to put yourself out there and look around for work, providing your articulate you shouldnt find it too hard.

Futility's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese wrote: … providing your articulate you shouldnt find it too hard.

It's "you're" not "your". No, I'm not a grammar Nazi or anything, I just thought it was rather humorous, taken the context of the sentence.

As to this thread, I think it's a very good idea. I'm thinking about getting into a job that requires programming too, so any feedback on what it's like would be awesome. Kudos to you japanesedude for coming up with this.

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I'd say it has little to do with experience and a lot more to do with knowing the ins and outs of what you're doing, to be able to pickup whichever specific tech the company works with and being able to understand any legacy stuff they have very quickly.

I'm a full time systems developer/architect doing telephone stuff, but we have problems finding people that are simply good enough to do the job whenever we hire.

My biggest tip to anybody - don't just say you "know" this tech or that tech, get involved in whatever your using, learn how to combine things in interesting ways and focus on loving technology rather than just banging out code.

Tbh, most of the people we interview for jobs really don't get it - they got into programming as a career, rather than because they have the right mindset and love tinkering.

And all these adverts for computing courses because the grass is better on the other side, better salary, shorter hours are a load of bollocks. If you need a course to get into it you already have the wrong mindset.