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VERY abstract CRT moniter question

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Has anyone heard about the radiation/ health concerns from CRT moniters? ;)

Here's the story: I basically moved my computer into my bed. At first I didn't like sitting at a desk all day, so I moved it next to my bed. The angle hurt my neck, so it was moved again, but this time onto the mattress. (fuckin' geek)

The problem is: I heard that CRT moniters give off radiation that kills cells/ steralizes. This raised a question not only about genral health, but the health of certain parts of my body that are now somewhat close to the moniter (that I do not want steralized:right: )



And I checked www.snopes.com, snopes has nothing.

Has anyone researched this? Wikipedia said that it's widely considered unharmful, but they said about Aspartame too… :angry: Has anyone else moved their computer into their bed?

If it makes a difference, I'm using an HP s7500; model# PE1164 and i'm guessing it's 17 inches, diagonally measured.

hellboundhackersok's Avatar
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Uhh I only think the radiation comes from monitors from the Windows 95/95 era lol.. newer monitors have to pass safety inspections, right?

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as industrialized as crt monitors are, I wouldn't be suprised if someone got paid off along the way.

hellboundhackersok's Avatar
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true… but ehh I've been using my HP mx705 CRT for about 2 years.. and nothing strange has happened to me! lol

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dex_poet wrote: the health of certain parts of my body that are now somewhat close to the moniter (that I do not want steralized:right: )

Umm… You're not supposed to stick that part of your body into the monitor at all :right:

Nah seriously, I doubt it. You probably won't get sterile by being close to a computer.

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I say do it. I did it an its the best descision I've ever made. Its so much easier to type now that I have 3 arms.

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bigggnick wrote: I say do it. I did it an its the best descision I've ever made. Its so much easier to type now that I have 3 arms.

Nice… but wouldn't be the extra fingers I'm after? Some of the stuff just seemed a little sketchy (as in possibly bias). Especially wikipedia. That's why I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it.

Thanks for the input. Conclusion?: One site recomended 85 Cm from the front of the screan. Independant studies have found the electromagnetic radiation in T.V. screans and CRT's do emit enough radiation to pose a slight health risk. It's one more thing that adds up. But man… It's so fucking comfortable… it's Lazy-Boy * 4!