having fun at school.
this is what i do when im really bored at school. go to wikipedia, and look up a pagew related to the subject you are in. eg. you are in society and environment, and you are ment to be looking up info on hitler.(this is the one i used). save all the css files and the page into a file in your user area.
edit the source of the page, make it say something really wierd. eg: It has been reported that hitler had a sexual relationship with his nephew, Heinz Hitler, as hitler liked the bum fun. Hitler later decided that he shouldn't be having relationships with his nephew, as he needed a heir. hitler only had one testicle, but he still managed to have mentally retarded kids.
save the file, make sure you change the source so that the css files are read from the file.
call your teacher over and ask them to read it…
well done, the prank is over…
yeah, i would like to note i am really bored.
kaden wrote: apart from the fact that my schools ip has been banned from editing
LOL same here. The best was during a class the teacher was explaining how anybody can edit wikipedia on the projector. Somebody went to the princess theodora page and made it say she was born to two gay parents and some other crap, the look on the teachers face when she saw that princess theodora was born to two gay parents on the projector was priceless… since then you cant edit from school.
use firefox with the web developer addon and edit the pages html.
you can do allsorts with it. If you have any friends who arnt great on computers then edit google.coms page and tell them you hacked it :ninja:
i once added a guy i know to the fbi most wanted list http://www.fbi.gov/wanted.htm and he full on believed and was crapping himself until he saw me laughing and i explained what i had done.
MinDistortionist wrote: Only problem is that every teacher knows that you can edit Wikipedia. So actually they will know you edited it.
Haha, I wish. The teachers in my school barely know how to use MS-Office (which is what they rely on… powerpoint presentations are their new favorite)
I tried asking my IT teacher why they'd disabled notepad (just to play innocent ;) ) and he had no idea why the admins had really disabled it, nevermind the knowlege that it can be used to make batch files.
Honestly, my school (which is an apparent "Maths and Computing College") have no teachers with good IT qualification apart from the deputy Head who has only started just this term.
@MinDistortionist: 1st post, he already says: Save the source, edit it and open the local html-file.. ;) So nothing to do with editing wikipedia =)