new crypt too
Hey you! Hacker and decrypters! I have for you new job. My brain find new Crypt:) with name. SCfCE-L1 it mean S(not somethink what i will tell you) Crypt from Central Europe - Light(version) 1
The link for it is here: by the way one number that I used(I do not know name in english, maybe Ludarf's number) is: 3,1415926540
If you find way how to decrypt, Massange me(PM or ICQ) Thanx
Small help key=/(+)-/(/*_) and some where there arepercents. Good luck!
so nobody know.
For this crypt i used numbers 2006;12;6;3,1415926540;3,1415926540;3,1415926540;2;0,5;33%
But it's difficult for decrypt. There is one Easy way. When you look on it, u see binary, so I will try to decrypt binary. then You saw something like this060066066606606 - change 6 for 1 and decrypt binary to ASCII. Then you have important crypt. Look on it and you will see 3Ãâ€â€one number. In English is most using letter E - which number is 5. then You have to find Key. crypt/number of letter( Ãâ€â€/5) is the all Math. then it is everything easy.
BTW: Answer is: 'You are clever'
I tried explaining it to him earlier, but this encryption would have been theoretically impossible if more information was not given. Also, expanding a 12 character string into something over 5,000 characters is not necessarily going to be good for space. Other problems include speed, the fact that collisions could be formed because rounding is taking place (so not even somebody who knew the decrypt function could ALWAYS decrypt the message correctly), among others… i'll stop with that though :)