aspiring cryptographer
Hello I recently started trying to dive into the field of cryptography, initially I was making mathematically engineered ciphers, after posting my results on a forum I was quickly informed of the errors of my ways and finally revamped my ideas. Unfortunately the forum I was posting on showed no promise of real testing of my ideas. No one even put forth any effort in decrypting a seriously easy string which merely consisted of multiplying and then subtracting to get a number that corresponded to the standard 1-26 a-z. Ex: 247 = a. With the tiniest bit of effort I believe it could'be been broken. But I continued on and came up with something a little more complex but still simple in my eyes. I posted this new string on the other forum but expect no real results. Even with some decent hints. So I will post it here now with the same clues and I hope someone that enjoys challenging mathematically based encryptions will test their wits with that of mine. Which I'm not that smart, I'm smart but nothing exponentially significant. Anyways what you'll be looking at is a 4 letter word and you will be trying to to devise a way to combine the given numbers to a sum that will correspond to a letter of the alphabet but not the standard 1-26 it still goes in a numerical and alphabetical order though. If you get the math right it wont take much thought to figure out the starting point for the alphabet.
Man I tried a couple different ways with that and got nothing that I could feasibly make into spag. Anywho that whole method will not get you the answer. Partly my fault, I assumed with the info I had given you that I could post the string as a whole with no breaks because it is one word. But you went a total different direction. Like I said before it is a 4 letter word so therefore given this string I figured you could ascertain that one letter corresponds to 8 digits on the string.
78842008 87753216 59941874 24169990
Lol spag isn't the answer. The whole (##)#)#)#)#)#)#) is necessary for it to be mathematically correct if you are trying to calculate it as a whole using a calculator. If working the math in your head or on paper just work from left to right one digit at a time after the initial two.
Ex: 4+8*5 would be mathematically correct if answer = 44 But if wrote (4+8)*5) it equals 60.
Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say. Its always been difficult for me to explain things.
While doing the math you will not end up with a number with a decimal throughout the process.
78+8/42+8 86/42+8 21.5*2+8 43+8 51 = s?? If a-z = 50-75 then 51 = b
Also this might be helpful:
Basically all single digit numbers. Prolly were confused by (##)#)#)#)#)#)#)
= Individual digit
= Meaning two individual digits being combined through a mathematical process. Its a 7 and a 8 not 78.
I feel like maybe people are losing interest so I will provide an example:
31755428 = 28( so sorry about that I don't think right without my medicine )( also that is pure coincidence that the string ends with 2 and 8 and equals 28 so don't wrap your theory on it and if you think this is a ruse and that I'm trying to dissuade you away from the truth than have fun wasting your time ) <–EDIT
That example follows the same math needed to get the answers for the string I posted but remember your answers should be between 50-75.
First thing check my edit on the recent example I posted I had made a mistake and am sorry I had kinda just threw it together and didnt doublecheck it but rest assured that the original is doublechecked and it all works out.
Second thing why are you so confident it is spag? Does spag have another meaning? Is it a different language? Are you just trolling me? I am really confused. Please clarify.
The whole idea is for it to be uncrackable. And that's all I got my plan was to test run what I have and if no one cracks then to expand on it and make it more lengthy so it'd be that much harder to break. Anything I make from this point on would be engineered with more complexity then what I have posted to begin with. I really don't know of any more hints I could give. Except one…. but its like the ultimate kicker. Knowledge that if not kept secret it would ruin the whole integrity of my encryption…
I can post a different word using same encryption. This will be a 6 letter word.
Welcome back old man.
Did you add your own entry in the urban dictionary ?
Number 2.
Comical fellow who frequents the Open Element channel on Otherside IRC. His lacking english skills and loveable personality make him instant Topic fodder. Irresistable to women. tee-hee