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Sha1 Cracking

ghost's Avatar
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Can anyone please tell me how I can crack SHA1 hashes??

(I have cain and abel but Brute forcing takes too much time,I dont know the first thing about Rainbow tables and I'm pretty sure that dictionaries wont help me.)

Can anyone help me????

PS:Its for a challenge and we are allowed to take outside help.

I'd be very grateful if u could show me the right direction.

ghost's Avatar
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You could try: http://plain-text.info/webchat.php

Type: .C3P0 addSHA1 <hash goes here> Also I' sure C&A should be able to crack it, or you could post it and see if anyone else can crack it.

spyware's Avatar
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When I told you about JTR in the shoutbox, you replied with:"

onejerlo 12 Jan : 16:47 I know bout JTR…but its got the same probs like Cain and abel…takes too much time…

That's because you don't know how to use it correctly. Read the manual. Learn about hash-cracking in general. It only takes a long time because you aren't using the tools correctly.

DCs's Avatar


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i think rainbowCrack can help you.

ghost's Avatar
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You could try some reverse lookup tools before you start bruteforcing. They might have what you seek.