Windows xp/linux dual boot
I'd suggest using a second hard drive with linux on it, but most distrobutions, such as Kubuntu and Ubuntu, has a partition manager that it sets up for you and auto detects your current OS installations. Of course you can configure it later to add/delete more :p. If you're just starting out with linux I'd really suggest either Ubuntu or Kubuntu, check them out and see which you prefer…or..choose another.
Mostly all linux distro's are free, the only ones I know offhand that you have to pay for is redhat and I believe you have to pay for better versions of Mandriva as well. Backtrack2 is good for pen testing and stuff yes, requires a little more linux knowledge to install though. Based off of slackware I want to say.
Iono but when i was installing Linux Fedora 6 on another drive (D:) it asked me if there is another system… My Windows XP was on drive (C:) so, ive specified it… And all what you need with Partition Magic is to make a space for a new drive and a SWAP one, etc…
dude, there is many tutorials and walkthroughs in installing Linux system with Windows XP:
if linux first installed:
…and btw, it will boot normally like 2 windows systems like (boot.ini) it's simple…:)
Does it really matter which one he first installs? I bet you he will install a different distribution the next week he installs his first one. I personally think it is good to explorer and use different distros to see what you like the best. + you will appreciate lil things that each distro did. Make sure you experience both KDE + Gnome and if you have a hard time partitioning it, just google it. You'll find your answer in 30seconds.