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Open Source Games with LAN connection

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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Hey all, First of all, I am a Linux user (not necessarily a good one :p) and I have been trying to get a few friends of mine to try it. Well, a good friend of mine is a gamer, and keeps his mac because he can switch to Windows when he needs to game and then to MAC for other stuff. He is convinced there are no good games for Linux. So I am going to host a LAN party (just a small one, 6 or 7 of my friends..noting to get too excited about.) However, this one is going to have a little twist, I want it to be composed of completely open sourced, GPL, or otherwise free games you can run on Linux. So do any of you know any good Linux games that are: a)fun 2)Free/open sourced/GPL c)can be played over an LAN network ? The main one I have trouble with is the 3rd one (c.) So, I would love it if you guys could help, Thanks, NC

P.S: I realize this has nothing to do with an OS, but I couldn't think of what forum to put this in, and those frequenting forum with a lot of Linux/BSD questions probably has some people who know some Linux/bsd apps/games.)

ghost's Avatar
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I seem to remember that a frozen bubble game built into a SUSE installation at my school can be played over a LAN, but I'm not too sure.

dami3n's Avatar
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well personally i wouldn't say Linux was a gaming operating system. Most people get a boot program so windows can be loaded over Linux for gaming. But linux probably has the best options for customizing ure os and has alot more security tools than windows. I never got round to having a linux comp could never get a linux boot cd to duel with windows. Shame really ah well gl with ure lan :P