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Ubuntop Help (Anjuta problem)

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Hi, merry xmas to all.

I have recently installed ubunto 6.06, and then installed Anjuta c++ IDE, it looks great and everything, but I can't compile my code, whenever I do it says:

Compiling file Test.cc ...
sh: g++: command not found
completed: unsuccessful...

ould anyone know how to fix this? I installed anjuta before, and it compiled the code forst time, no problems….:(

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Ubuntu 6.06 for some reason doesn't come with g++ installed… You have to get it… i think it's in the repositories

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Yeah, you were right, it wasn't installed, I just did:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

And the compiling and running worked! Thank you. But there is one more question,

if anyone can answer it. After the program is compiled & linked, the executable is created with a diamond like icon, how do I run the program without using the IDE? Whenever I click on it, nothing happens…Thanks for the help before ;)

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Run it from the terminal if it's a console based program

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Well, I tried that, and all I get is command 'Test' not found, how do you run a program anyways? I also tried:

Switching to the correct dir: cd /home/wraith/c++/Tests/
exec Test

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like so

[root@localhost]# ./yourapp

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Yeah, thats the command alright, Lol. Thank you guys, most opf my problems are solved :D