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Free Linux

ghost's Avatar
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Does anyone know where I can Acquire a good copy of Linux on a CD or DVD disc? Hopefully If there are none, at least could someone redirect me to a cheap version of Linux.


The Grey King

P.S. Please don't flame me for posting this,I got flamed earlier and I don't feel like getting it again.

ghost's Avatar
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See, funny thing about linux… IT'S FREE. Google for it.

ghost's Avatar
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There are a few distro's which you have to pay. Eg Red Hat.

But majority such as knoppix, slax, ubuntu and my favourite pclos are free of charge.

And I reccomend you don't use linux. If you don't know enough about it… it will fuck you over. Use a live cd if you want the novelty but don't install until you know about partitioning.

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I got Mandriva (red hat i think) for free using the one CD download

Uber0n's Avatar
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… And if you have a slow connection and don't want to download a large .iso file, you can order free Ubuntu discs from https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ ;)

kryptor's Avatar
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there are so many free ones, ones that are especially simple to install are

  1. PcLinuxOS - very nice
  2. KateOS - more for a programmer
  3. simplyMepis - great hardware detection even on old boxes
  4. PC-BSD - unix clone but sweet
  5. Ulteo - new and is an alpha but with great promise

ghost's Avatar
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im using DSL (damned small linux) i think its built of of knoppix. its extremely user friendly and as the name implies….tiny so you can fit in on most any thumbdrive….if your looking for portablitiy.

Also, if you cant partition(like me) there is another way. get a copy(i dont say how) of Virtual PC. Run it out of that…its what im doing. plus if it gets a virus, you can delete the virtual harddrive and the virus wont spread to your real one. : )

ghost's Avatar
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Navigate to the left column title Navigation. Slowly move your mouse down to Web Links under Links. From that point on, click on Operating Systems, then pick the second or third one (I am currently downloading the third one) and download it. Then, with a ISO manager, put it onto a CD or DVD. Restart your computer, then, depending on your computer, hit either f2, f8, f10, or f12 to pick how to boot your computer. Select boot from cd (with your CD still in the computer) and let it load up. Now, you shouldn't have any problems. =D

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Okay Linux Distros…

Debian - I use it for server side…may be a little advanced for you. SuSE/Opensuse - Great desktop that I use at home. Fedora - Red Hats Free Linux Distro, it is decent. Mandriva - Used to be Mandrake, Good System though I never use it. Ubuntu - Based off Debian Code, Good system for the beginner. Puppy - Great LiveCD Linux Distro. DSL - it is small what else is needed…You can run it from a 1 GB Pen Drive or even RAM!!!

Those are the ones I would recomend looking into. When in doubt GOOGLE!