install limewire on ubuntu
i just got ubuntu, and one of the things i want to use it for is to download things that may have viruses, because ubuntu is less vulnderable to them than windows. i am completely new to linux. when i try to open the limewire download, it says Could not open "LimeWireLinux.rpm"
Archive type not supported.
what does this mean? how can i get limewire to run? i tried typing LimeWireLinus.rpm in the terminal, but that doesnt work.
well rpm stands for Redhat Package Manager. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu doesn't use the rpm package management system. try googling for the Ubuntu package of it. or even just d/l the universal version.
i suggest you follow this:
it pretty much will tell you how to convert that file you've got into a package Ubuntu can understand and how to install it.
Just checked in my version.. I used sudo nmap -pO [IP]
then it asks to enter password. I type in password but you don't see the * or anything else, it just stays blank. But when entered with the right password it accepts. So just enter the password that you have set, don't worry if nothing is showing on screen.