Root windows XP with firewall
Alright, I've been wondering is it possible to connect to a windows XP with service pack 2 with the windows firewall up and possibly Norton to. My friend is saying its impossible and he means impossible like no way at all. But I'm pretty sure there is more than one way but i can't seem to find them. So any help is appreciated.
Of course it is possible, The only safe computer is one that is turned off, unplugged, not connected to the internet, and not functional. SO there is your answer…yes, there is a way. But since not only you didn't ask….but also, since the entire point of this is not to tell newbies how to do stuff, but to allow them a place to learn, I will not tell you a way. You larn that on your own. Do the challenges, we all welcome you warmheartedly…please, join hellboundhackers…the good side….cuz we have cookies (heh, computer geek pun)