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Gnome installation..error, maybe? o.o
I finally got around to installing Arch Linux on a netbook, and already updated the kernel, et etc. Installed xorg-server, hal, gnome via pacman. Installed graphics drivers, and synaptic touchpad driver.
When I type the command Startx it takes me to a screen that looks like this: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/246822_1613267791351_1825998672_1013889_2320865_n.jpg
It gives me that black "X" mouse, a black background, and for some reason, starts up with 3 terminal windows. The mouse is able to move and click around, and the terminals work, and ctrl+alt+f2 gives me a terminal.
Did I install anything wrong or something? o.o