best linux os EVER!(poll)
here is the poll you can discuss here
spyware wrote: The question you're polling is based on a premise that is most certainly invalid. A useless poll is the result. How is "what is your favorite linux distro" an invalid question? The poll's just asking what asking what distro people prefer to use - not which one is best as the thread title suggests
cyber-guard wrote: [quote]stealfalcon wrote: who spammed the poll with gentoo?
I'd say a gentoo user…
Also backtrack is meant to be used as 'regular' distro since the final 4 release, they switched from slackware to ubuntu core, to allow better administration of packages and make it more desktop distro.[/quote]
No, they did that because they realized that people were running Backtrack at security conferences with a shitload of vulnerabilities because they couldn't update their packages easily, and then getting hacked into to.
From there, an attacker could use backtrack to mount the harddrive and install something nasty. So this is generally something you want to avoid, hence the switch to ubuntu core.