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stupid Laptop with vista
Ok, got a compaq presario with Vista installed. bought it for 50.oo.
the catch was that the dumb arse has no CDs for it and forgot the password his girlfriend had on her account and deleted his account. I tried booting to safe mode, but it attempts to boot, as it is reading all the DLLs it stops, then goes to normal. i tried to download XP over it but it wont find the HDD supposedly. can someone help me. i dont wanna waste 50.oo on a POS laptop i cant use.
Use this to get the password: http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?wpid=5&front_id=12
Or run Active@Kill Disk,wipe-out,kill disk or any drive wiping utilities on the drive, Then format and install Xp.