Desktop Environment?
Ok, well, I am wondering what a Desktop Environment is, and if someone could suggest a couple for me. I have seen a few free ones, such as GNOME and KDE (You can Google them) but I am not sure what they are, from what I read they're basically Linux but you can run it on your Window's OS. So any help would be great! -Coolprogram
Mbs right…they are…try or …those are two main ones..but u don't really get full workin of a linux enviroment unless u fully install a Linux Distribution like Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware etc.. Fedora and Debian are pretty good..knoppix is ok..but as i said…have to fully install to get full features…the desktop enviroments just give you an idea of wat they look and run like…when u DO choose to install it. Anywho…gl.
Desktop environment basically presents a GUI for the user. This also includes windows.
The environment for Windows and Mac is unalterable, but you can use themes to change the looks.
For linux and *nix systems, the desktop environment is more flexible, and includes a Window Manager, file manager, a bunch of themes and applications to manage the desktop. In most modern distros, these are installed by default to help the users to adapt to linux in an easier way.
and you are correct that both Gnome and KDE are desktop environments, but both are used mostly in linux and *nix systems.