Script Kiddies
A script kiddie is someone who downloads things like sub7 (Trojan) and other virii and programs that do the hacking for them; If a person writes code for a specific site (Like phpbb powered sites) that lets you break in, they will take it and use it, getting access without doing anything other than finding the program; Many people dislike them because they don't have any skill, they are a menace; They take codes written by people and use them to their advantage;
They are just plain annoying
I have seen plenty of links to trojans and virii, never touched them though because its not something i want to have on my system whatsoever.
But how can a "script kiddie" actually hack with one of those? I mean, from what I've read, I've not seen so much as a mention of using virii or anything like that. Are they web hacks or *nix or what?