lil help with javascript
I was wondering wheni put this is the url
it does not actually send the info to my email. When i alert the cookies with
it does not show that there has been any change. Is my script incorrect? are some websites just not succeptible to it? thx oin advance!
ok first, you change it like this:
where INPUT is the name of the input. ie., with
<input type="text" name="something">
the "name="something"" is what you put there.
second, it doesn't necessarily save it to your cookies, so alerting your cookie isn't going to tell you anything. you could do this though: javascript:alert(document.forms[0].INPUT.value), where INPUT is again the name of the input.
also, some sites aren't vulnerable to this. for example, I've tried it on a site but they filter the input for the email.
hope this helps.
well yes you can change ANY form values/cookies you want through javascript. javascript is a client-side script, meaning you can do whatever you want with it, keep in mind YOU are the one sending the site data so you have the power to change whatever you want. (it's the same concept with user agent changers too – it's just your browser sending data to the server.)