XSS cookie logger
Thanks to system meltdown iv set up my cookie logger script, once i have someones cookies what do i do with them, i was thinking maybe..
javascript:void(document.cookie="cookies goes in here")
but i ddint have much luck, maybe its me and i got it wrong or maybe its not that at all.
if you think this is a stuipid/obvious question sorry lol, but w all have to learn it somewhere…
Ignore him.
Well it depends whether you got static or dynamic cookies so to speak.
Whether they are a session ID in which they would expire and you could only hi-jack their account for a short space of time or whether the cookie (Like PHPBB forums) store the username and password, in which case, you just decrypt and log in.
There are lots of tutorials about it.
How stuff work etc
Learn about cookies and you will see how you can manipulate them.
Hope that helped =\