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Open SSH Port

ghost's Avatar
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Scenario (no way real!!);):

I found a website that i thought might have an open shh port so i used nmap -sV -P0 …. i find the open port and use putty to get in, it needs a password and username.

For :ninja:EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES:ninja: id like to know how people obtain usernames and passwords for open ssh ports.

ANYWAY at all apart from social engeneering please…:right:

ghost's Avatar
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how abuot thats not evan funny, you must think your really smart huh? im serious tho, any real ways? i mean people cant just randomly guess them?

EDIT– Also im not your son…

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Beat Up My Papa

Please anyone know any way at all??

Uber0n's Avatar
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hacker_jacob wrote: Scenario (no way real!!);):



^^ I hope you know no one believes when you say so :D </offtopic>

I don't know any other methods though, let's hope someone else does… :p

ghost's Avatar
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either you brute force the system , exploit the system , social engineer them , look over keyboard when they are typing (if you live near them) , keylog them , have camera set up in there room over the keyboard with 25x zoom and i would say thats about it

haZZknightZ's Avatar
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umm.. guys i got a noob questions, and i believe you can really help me out. Well everytime i use nmap -sV or or any other options the results always gives me a port number starting from 1000 + above w/ tcp open. well what i wanted to see is the is the ports below 1000… someone please educate me.:|

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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You could always attempt the standards for SSH tunneling…root, admin, administrator, sysop, systemoperator, god, so on so on so on… Then there is finding out what SSH demon they are running and finding out how to exploit it… then there is also pure luck in guessing username/password combos.

ghost's Avatar
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to find out which SSH daemon they are running is easy just run nmap -sV thereip and it will tell you lol , i was running an outdated version but i updated =D

ghost's Avatar
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IF This was real lol, he would of got this:

PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.2.5 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.2 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.33 ((Unix) FrontPage/ 110/tcp open pop3? 443/tcp open ssl OpenSSL 2041/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 7070/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 8080/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 9090/tcp open tcpwrapped 9102/tcp open jetdirect? Service Info: OS: Unix

is service info what you were on abuot?