Open SSH Port
Scenario (no way real!!);):
I found a website that i thought might have an open shh port so i used nmap -sV -P0 …. i find the open port and use putty to get in, it needs a password and username.
For :ninja:EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES:ninja: id like to know how people obtain usernames and passwords for open ssh ports.
ANYWAY at all apart from social engeneering please…:right:
IF This was real lol, he would of got this:
PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.2.5 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.2 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.33 ((Unix) FrontPage/ 110/tcp open pop3? 443/tcp open ssl OpenSSL 2041/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 7070/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 8080/tcp open rtsp RealOne Server (linux-2.0-libc6-i386) 9090/tcp open tcpwrapped 9102/tcp open jetdirect? Service Info: OS: Unix
is service info what you were on abuot?