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net neutrality.

ghost's Avatar
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been looking around and a friend of mine was telling me about the net neutrality issue. i'd prolly die if it ever became a reality. anyone know the specifics on what the most likely outcome will be?

dont know what net neutrality is? google it the fourth or fifth result is from google help its mad good.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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well its only gonna affect america, other countries dont want to comply with it.

and it only affects speed. so its not as if you cant visit a site anymore, net neutrality is just affecting the speed a website loads. so if you pay the big ISP's then you can have a really fast loading site. if not your site getss pushed to the back of the queue and has super slow loading times.

so its not as if you cant view a certain site you still can, just maybe a bit slow.

anyways thats not be agreeing with it, i still think its a disgusting law to pass. hopefully it wont, theres too much controvsery for them to do it soon.

ghost's Avatar
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don't pay…

they'll need someone to pay them =D :p


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wow… that better not become reality lol… thats ridiculous

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net neutrality is basically the first step for the gov't to gain control over the american inet. i say american because, we cannot control it all, but within our borders, we have much more say of what goes on. The problem with the law really isn't the law itself. It is unethical, don't get me wrong, but the true fear here is that it will become like the patriot act. Not in the same way, though it may end up that way, but the patriot act for those of you who remember, started out rather simply with out the problems we face today. If we allow this law to be passed more laws will be passed. It is a stepping stone to get to bigger, better (worse for us) laws that simply destroy any civil liberties we have.