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xss cookiestealers

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Hello all,I'm having some xss troubles,my intentions were to steal admin cookies on a certain site(not to be malicious though,just for educational purposes)first off i found a vulnerable gustbook;then i found a free server that supports php,and took nanoys script(from his article on www.nanoy.org) and named it cookie.php ,and then made a page called cookies.html so cookie.php could write the cookie info down on cookies.html(which had a 777 permission setting)and then i put a redirector script in the vulnerable guestbook and when you goto the guestbook it redirects you to my cookie stealer page,but all it says on the cookies.html page is; //Write the cookie at the bottom Cookie:I'm all out of ideas.Thanks in advance. :)

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Are there cookies to steal? It's a little pointless otherwise :p

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yes I know through a little s.e that there are plenty of cookies to steal.

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I'm going to sound stupid regardless - But is that your site WhiteAcid.

It's not the first time I've seen it and imho it's very impressive

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Yes, it is mine, what gave it away :p Thank you.

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Haha Very impressed with that site dude. How many people have registered?

And I remember you posting a link to a video and you proclaimed that is what not you… or my memory serves me wrong which is the most likely scenario.

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I don't know. I keep everything as anonymous as possible so there are no stats and I've set up a cron job to remove redundant accounts. That's accounts not used within 60 days.

Besides that… number of users and numbers of cookies stolen isn't something I want to make public even if I could.

I can't quite remember which video you're refering to, the SQL injection one? Yeah, that wasn't me.