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fusion_user Cookie

ghost's Avatar
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Hello, i know this sounds like I'm trying to "hack" some one on Hellbound Hackers, but I'm not.

Its an other site, where I'm trying to gain access to an friends profile. I have the information in the fusion_user file. But when i change it to my friends information, I'm not able to login on the site.

I think it have something to do with the setuser.php file. But i have tried setting the setuser.php?user=HisNick while i change the information. But still a silent result of an login screen.

Sorry for spell mistakes.

  • err0r33

ghost's Avatar
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I got you figured out. You want to hack somebody on HBH right?

edit: LOL I WAS j/k :P

Anyway, now we know you spoke the truth.

ghost's Avatar
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As i said, this has nothing to do with HBH, i mean it. The site is a danish site called Censored

I promise this has nothing to do with HBH, but since HBH use fusion boards i find this the right place to ask for help.

Even though its like helping people to hack their own site.

But i wont hack anyone on HBH.

Edit: :angry:


ghost's Avatar
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You wont be able to hack HBH by cookie stealing, they are encrypted using IPs

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks a lot, i see now its impossible to get the IP out of the cookie, since it was encrypted using MD5. Still one thing. I'm not hacking HBH, but an other site, please guys believe me.