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Can This Website Be Exploited?

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After reading about SQL injections and JS injections, it made me remember this PHP link on a certain website..


It calls upon the location of a certain file, and then places it in a link for our downloading convenience. The only (unfortunate) problem is, it only gives links to files with extensions (eg. .txt, .jpg) - I realised this after trying to download entire directorys :D. Also, 403's still apply. If you try and download a file that is forbidden or not there, it gives you a link to a page containing the 404/403 error.

This particular site also has a forum board, at first glance it looks like a different URL, but after messing around with some directorys I realised it is just under the category /forums/.

This then allowed me to download the vbulletin md5 hash script they use to hash the forum members passwords. I suppose that isn't too usefull because of the fact that it is probably easily obtainable and if we get the hash we can crack it anyway..

I'm going to post a .php file (the member list from the forum), to see if it could possibly be exploited. I'm concealing the name for numerous reasons. I had to post it as a jpg cause uploadit.org is gay ;D.

How would I manipulate either the source code or the file grabber to my benefit? Would I be able to grab some.. 'helpfull' files?


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No, ive been to the website you mentioned and had a look around. All it does is simply this:

<? $link = $_GET['loc']; echo '<a href="' . $link . '">Click Here to download!</a>'; ?>

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So this website is invulnerable?

I didn't actually intend to deface the site.. I just get curious ^-^. And how pray tell did you visit this site, hopefully not from the files I linked :S.

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It was from the files you linked.

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You still didn't answer my other question.. :P.

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SaberGun wrote: You still didn't answer my other question.. :P.

Chances are, if it's still up, probably not.