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Email form

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I need a form, when it's submitted the data needs to go to my email client and the page needs to be redirected.

function mailMe( form ) {
        // put some checks here
        return true;

<form action="mailto:fredje138@gmail.com" method="POST"
enctype="text/plain" name="email"
onsubmit="return mailMe( this.form )">
    <p align="center">Name:<br>
    <input type="text" size="30" name="filled by"><br>
    coming (ja/nee)<br>
    <input type="text" size="30" name="komst "
    <input type="text" size="30" name="EMAIL ADRESS"><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit "></font></p>

This one sends the data to my email but doesnt redirect and it asks to be sent or not, I want it to be sent without notice and afterwards redirected to another site. Is it possible?
If the submitting to email without notice isnt possible then submitting to a web page (html preferred) is ok too.


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You need PHP to mail the form to you , and then redirect the person when the mail function has finished using javascript.

I can't help you, but thats what you need.

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sending to my email works in HTML to, it just warns the user that they're sending an email, which I want to avoid… thx anyway

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